

Diversity in the Transatlantic Relationship

The bonds of the US-Europe relationship are not only matters of strategic interest, economic ties, or defense agreements. These elements are built on a foundation emanating from cultural, linguistic, and demographic connections. US-Europe Alliance recognizes that just as the issues facing the transatlantic relationship have evolved since the end of the Cold War, so too have the populations on each side of the Atlantic. Americans who trace their family heritage back to Europe will in the coming decades become an increasingly smaller portion of the American public relative to those who claim ancestry from elsewhere.

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Energy Cooperation

“Across the world… energy choice will strengthen energy security… economic security…and national security. And along with energy choice…the United States supports competitive markets… the rule of law… and the sanctity of contracts. We uphold the transparency of energy deals…and oppose using energy to coerce any nation.” – Former Energy Secretary Rick Perry on the Partnership

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Beware a China-Russia Nexus in Central Europe Amid US-EU Neglect

Until recently, Russian and Chinese influence across Europe generally reflected their distinct strategic aims. But their interests increasingly converge. Common to both Vladimir Putin’s and Xi Jinping’s strategies is the decoupling of the United States and Europe. Leaders on both sides of the Atlantic will have to act in concert – and fast – to forestall an even greater corrosion of the democratic norms that have kept the peace – or helped restore it, in the case of the wars in the former Yugoslavia – for three-quarters of a century.

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Digital Innovation & Security

“The EU and United States reaffirmed their strong partnership in favor of a global, open, stable and secure cyberspace where the rule of law fully applies, where the same rights that individuals have offline are protected online, and where the security, economic growth, prosperity, and integrity of free and democratic societies is promoted and preserved.”

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Could sub-Saharan Africa be what unites the US and Europe?

In the coming decades, sub-Saharan Africa will grow increasingly important to both the U.S. and Europe. Its growing population and proximity to Europe make that fact undeniable. Chinese political and economic inroads may be irreversible. Yet, by working together, the U.S. and Europe do have the ability to create the space for African governments and their people to have a viable alternative strategic direction. Such an undertaking not only would benefit Africa, but would put a much-needed item of converging interest on the transatlantic agenda.

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